Wisdom Teeth Removal

Tooth extraction is when a tooth is deliberately removed from its socket in the jawbone and gum. While some generally strive to preserve natural teeth whenever possible, there are situations where extraction becomes necessary due to various dental issues. Our oral surgeon typically performs the procedure, including Wisdom Teeth Removal.

There are two types of tooth extraction:

  • Simple Extraction: Simple extraction is conducted on teeth visible above the gum line and can be readily accessed by dental instruments.
  • Surgical Extraction: Surgical extraction is a more intricate procedure usually required for teeth that have broken off at the gum line or haven’t fully erupted, such as impacted teeth.

The decision to perform a tooth extraction is taken seriously and is typically based on several factors. We will always explore alternative treatments whenever possible before considering extraction.


Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction

  • Severe Tooth Decay: When a tooth is damaged by decay and cannot be restored with a filling or crown, extraction may be necessary.
  • Gum Disease: Periodontal disease can lead to loose teeth that may require removal.
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth often don’t have enough space to emerge properly and may cause pain or dental issues.
  • Orthodontic Treatment: Orthodontists sometimes recommend tooth extraction to make space for braces or other orthodontic procedures.
  • Infection: A severe dental infection, known as an abscess, may necessitate removal to prevent the infection from spreading.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last to emerge in your mouth. They usually come in during your late teens or early twenties, a time often associated with newfound wisdom, hence the name.

When Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?

Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth removed. However, removal is recommended in the following situations:

  • Impaction: When teeth don’t have enough room to emerge properly, they can become impacted, leading to pain and other issues.
  • Crowding: It can cause mouth overcrowding, impacting overall dental health.
  • Infection: In some cases, It can lead to infections, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Gum Problems: It can create gum problems, including inflammation and infection.

Wisdom Teeth Removal / Extraction in San Francisco, California

Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Before the procedure, our oral surgeon will provide you with specific guidelines to follow, such as fasting before the surgery. It’s essential to adhere to these instructions for a successful procedure and a smoother recovery.

With an oral examination and x-rays of the mouth, Dr. Rabinovich can evaluate the position of the wisdom teeth and predict if there are present or future problems.

The Procedure

You’ll typically be under local anesthesia or sedation during the procedure, ensuring a painless experience. Dr. Rabinovich will then carefully remove the impacted or problematic wisdom teeth. The complexity of the extraction may vary based on the tooth’s position and your overall oral health.

What to Expect After

After the surgery, you’ll be closely monitored until the anesthesia wears off. It’s common to experience some bleeding and discomfort. Your oral surgeon will provide post-operative instructions, including dietary restrictions and medication.

Pain is a common post-operative symptom. Over-the-counter pain relievers can also help, but following your doctor’s recommendations is essential.


Swelling and bruising around the jawline are typical after wisdom teeth removal. Applying ice packs can help reduce swelling. Be patient; these symptoms usually subside within a few days.

Most individuals can return to their regular activities within a few days. However, avoiding strenuous exercise for at least a week is advisable.

Removal of Wisdom Teeth: Quality and Affordability

Wisdom Teeth Removal is a common dental procedure often necessary to maintain oral health. Tooth extraction can prevent discomfort. Understanding what to expect before, during, and after the surgery can alleviate concerns and ensure a smoother recovery process. If you believe it’s time to address your wisdom teeth, consult a dental professional who can guide you. If you’re experiencing tooth pain or have concerns about the alignment of your teeth, consult a qualified oral surgeon to determine the best course of action.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Oral Surgery San Francisco today at (415) 817-9991, or email us at info@doctorrabinovich.com.



Are Wisdom Teeth Removals Painful?

The procedure itself is painless due to anesthesia. However, you may experience discomfort and pain during recovery, which is manageable with pain medication.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

The duration of the procedure varies depending on the complexity of the extraction. On average, it can take between 45 minutes to an hour.

Can I Drive Home After the Procedure?

Driving immediately after the surgery is unsafe due to the effects of anesthesia or sedation. Arrange for a friend or family member to take you home.

What Are the Risks of Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Like any surgery, risks include infection, dry socket, or damage to nearby teeth. Your oral surgeon will discuss these risks with you beforehand.

When Can I Resume Normal Brushing and Flossing?

You should avoid brushing and flossing near the surgical site for a few days. Your surgeon will instruct you when it’s safe to resume your regular oral hygiene routine.

How Long Does it Take to Fully Recover?

Recovery time varies from person to person, but most people can expect to fully recover within a week or two.