Insurance and oral surgery goes hand in hand for the majority of our patients here. We believe that nobody should be denied the very finest oral surgery available in the Bay area for want of a method of payment.

Photo credit: Dave Dugdale via / CC BY-SA
That is why we accept payment from almost 40 different medical insurers with who we are in regular contact, so it is very likely that your insurance covers you for most of the procedures you are ever likely to need. When you have problems that require oral surgery the last thing you need to worry about is the cost. Whatever procedure you need is what you need, regardless of whether it is a fairly straightforward procedure or one that is far more complex. It is our belief that you deserve the very finest treatment that is available which is why we have teamed up with so many insurers.
Dr Alex Rabinovich is a Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon of very many years’ standing and is acknowledged as one of the pre-eminent oral surgeons in the US – not just by his patients, but by his fellow surgeons. He has written several medical treatises on the various aspects of oral surgery and is frequently asked to lecture at medical conventions.
He also undertakes regular trips overseas on behalf of children’s charities in order to perform oral and facial surgery on children in need entirely free of charge. His expertise is second to none, and we are very lucky that he runs his practice here in San Francisco and offers insurance and oral surgery to local residents.
However, Dr Rabinovich does not just accept payment for his services from insurance companies. It is possible that in your case insurance and oral surgery are not a good fit, because your insurance company is either not one of the many with whom we are associated, or your policy does not cover the procedure that you need.
A Wide Range Of Finance Options
That should still not bar you from having the finest treatment available in the Bay area. For this reason we also offer a very wide range of finance options that will cover every aspect of oral surgery including dental implants, wisdom tooth extractions, jaw surgery, laser surgery, dermal fillers, bone grafting, sleep apnea, and more. Whatever you need, Dr Rabinovich can provide.
We have a very close relationship with Chase Health Advance and can offer plans with no down payment, no application fee, and instant credit approval. Plans for 6 months are available with no interest.
We believe that nothing should stand in the way of your receiving the finest oral surgery, no matter what your problem. To discuss insurance and payment plans just click on the Contact Us link at the top of the page or call (415) 817-9991.
Photo credit: Dave Dugdale via / CC BY-SA