“Cosmetic” is a somewhat derogatory term when it comes to surgery. It might be taken to mean “non-essential”. It could also be a term used by an insurance company when it doesn’t want to cover you for certain things. So, your health insurance may cover you for “essential” surgery but not for certain other procedures.
But here’s the thing: you might believe that a particular form of surgery that you want is “cosmetic oral surgery” right here in San Francisco, but it might not be. There could be a deeper reason, and so it might not be cosmetic but could be necessary. In that case, there is a strong possibility that your insurance company does actually cover you for something that you only think is cosmetic oral surgery.
How do you know? Well, the answer is to make an appointment to see one of our doctors at Oral Surgery San Francisco. Our own Dr. Alex Rabinovich and Dr. Noah Sandler are both expert oral surgeons with many years of experience and they will be able to advise you on whether the procedure you are looking for is cosmetic or non-cosmetic. If the latter, there is every chance that your insurance covers it. In any case, there is no harm done in contacting your insurance company and asking the question.
A Wide Choice Of Finance Options for Cosmetic Oral Surgery
However, if you wish to undertake cosmetic oral surgery in San Francisco and it is not covered by your insurance, at Oral Surgery San Francisco we have a very wide choice of different financial options. We are not just talking one or two different finance companies here, but 30 or 40 different finance plans. We even have finance plans that carry no interest if they are paid off with in a certain period – usually around 6 months. Whatever your issue is, we have a finance plan that will cover it and will be affordable for you.
Let’s be honest here. Even if your oral surgery procedure is deemed to be cosmetic by your insurance company, that doesn’t alter the fact that as far as you are concerned it is a necessary procedure. You would not be considering it otherwise. We are in the business of providing smiles at Oral Surgery San Francisco and that means a big, broad smile that is seen by everybody else and a big broad smile that you feel inside because you know that you look great.
So come on. Don’t waste time thinking about it. Make a free appointment with one of our doctors who will be able to advise you further.